December 22, 2024

Inspirers Ministry

Touching Lives, Shaping Destinies

The Church Is Under Attack, Let’s Arise! – Sandra The Inspirer

If we believe we are the salt and light of the earth as the Bible clearly states, then we have an opportunity to make an impact no matter what. The darkness around us is not a disadvantage. It is rather a chance to shine brighter than before.

We have a large congregation wallowing in the dark and this presents us with the chance to win some of the shiny crowns beautifully described in the Holy Bible.

People of God, I plead by the mercies of God that we become addicted soul winners and smell every opportunity. We need to be more sensitive to the Spirit of God and allow Him to guide and lead us to all the right places we ought to be at the right time.

Our world is becoming deprived of the true unadulterated word and is becoming less Godly in these times and the decision to stand for him is under fire constantly. We must encourage ourselves, motivate ourselves and propel each other to holiness and purity.

I stand to inspire each of us with all Humility not to think we need to know too much to share. We are all learning by the day. And as we give, we receive. We are watered, go deeper and become sharper as we pour ourselves. Be energized to pour yourself today.

Be motivated to touch a life daily. The world is your pulpit, there are no limitations, no boundaries.
We are not in usual times and we cannot be dormant, docile and relaxed soldiers. These descriptions does not fit a soldier.

We are not our own, we are called to be ambassadors of Christ.
The end is near
Let us bring King Jesus glory with the little opportunity we get to make him known.

Souls are perishing by the day, let’s be concerned, for Christ didn’t die in vain. Let us build each other up in our most holy faith. Christ should be the center of our social media posts.

Our civilians are under attack, you and I cannot relax and watch when we have every weapon needed for this battle in our arsenal. People, let’s do the needful. Let us arise!

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